Elementary School Program
The Utah Chinese Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Program uses a 50/50 model, in which students in grades 1–5 spend half of their school day in the target language and the other half in English. All state-sponsored DLI schools are required to implement this model and use two teachers: One who instructs exclusively in the target language for half of the day and a second who teaches in English for the remainder of the day.
Three Falls Elementary is a Chinese Dual Immersion school. We begin with first grade where students are immersed in learning Chinese for half the school day and then spend the other half of the day in a traditional school setting learning core literacy concepts. As these students progress from year to year, they will have a new Chinese teacher that will continue to instruct them further in the Chinese language and culture. By the time students graduate from Three Falls elementary, they will continue to receive Chinese instruction at the Intermediate and Middle school level. It is anticipated that by the time these students are in nineth grade, they will be fluent enough with the language to take AP Chinese and then continue to receive college level credit as they enter high school. What a fabulous opportunity indeed! As our society moves into a more global economy, what a great benefit this opportunity will provide our students right here in Hurricane, Utah.