The Utah State Dual Language Immersion Elementary Model follows a 50:50 model design where the instructional day in grades K-5 is divided between two high-quality classrooms, each for a fifty percent of the instructional time. In this fifty-fifty model, students spend half of their school day in the immersion language and the other half-day in English. All state-sponsored programs are required to use two teachers, one who instructs exclusively in the immersion language for half the day and the second teacher who teaches exclusively in English the other half of the day.
Spanish Benchmark, Syllables, and Letter Sounds
Benchmark Adelante Spanish Letters songs
Los Sonidos Iniciales (Spanish letter Sounds)
Sílabas con A / syllables with A
Silabas con E / syllables with E
Sílabas con I / syllables with I
Sílabas con O / syllables with O
Silabas con U/ syllables with U
Spanish Numbers
numeros-del-1-al-10 (Numbers 1-10)
Contando Hasta 100 en Español | Counting to 100 in Spanish Song
1 a 10 Pingüinos (1 to 10 Penguins)
Spanish Greeting , Days of the week and months, Animals, and Fun songs
la canción infantil para saludar (greetings nursery rhyme)
Aprende los días y meses (Learn Spanish Days and Months)